

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

A day at the beach

Before the weather turned to the great Northwest fall & winter, I wanted really bad to have a final nice beach day.  We went through Astoria and got the famous Bow Picker, a quick bakery item for the beach and then we headed.  We loved playing in the sand, exploring, touching sea creatures, going for a walk and ended with a fire next to the waves and clear lit starry sky.  It was such a perfect day!!!



  1. You are so lucky to have a beach so close. I loved the beach there. Fun times. I think Seaside is one of my favorite places to go. I just love it there. Hey remember when you went to California with your family, and you bought back some sand in bottle for me, yeah I still have that, and it's my main bath room on display. Kinda funny.

  2. All of those creatures are SO COOL! And look how skinny mini you're getting! :)
