

Thursday, May 30, 2013

My Heart is FULL

Last Sunday our Mia Maid leader was out of town and I was going to do the lesson but then got bombarded and asked the laurel advisor if we could combine.  She did an AMAZING job and actually was a lesson we already did in our class but I took it as double important.  It was on scripture study.  I went away with the knowing that I need to put this in my day and ESPECIALLY with Jaycee and Hadi.  Craig went home teaching and the family let us borrow their little book with pictures.  We've read every night and it's fun to see Jaycee so curious and that she actually listens to the stories.  I KNOW THIS is why THIS week has been amazing.  I feel more patient.  I feel more humbled to be a mom and the precious gift that I've been given.  I feel like the things I think are important-can wait.  I've made the time to play "house", parks, bowling, laughing together and wow I can see the difference.  I just feel like my  heart is so full right now and feel so blessed for my little girls.  Also Craig is out of town this whole week and usually when he is gone it is hecktic days from doing it alone all day and start again-but this week has been completely different.  I know it's the scripture study.  The refocus on life.  The eye opening of what really is important in this short life.  I thank my Heavenly Father for letting me become a mom.  I thank Craig for being my better half (in so many ways) and for going on this journey with me and letting me have his babies---haha inside joke.

This melts my heart every night when I sneak in for an extra kiss before I head to bed
Thank you Jaycee and Hadi May for letting me be your mommy

Sunday, May 26, 2013


I am convinced that when you're on vacation or when people come visit, that magically there aren't 24 hours in a day...more like 2.  The week went TOOOO FAST and we are all going through Merrill withdrawls.  Jaycee woke up this morning crying; looked in "their room" to see if their things were gone; and the final straw looked for their truck.  She is still devastated that they are gone and especially little ms. Rylee.

They were waiting their arrival Monday night so my Monday plans were cleaning the house & a presidency meeting. So Sunday morning (mother's day) I was in my g's blow drying my hair for church-running late as usual and in walks Dalynne!!! At 9am!!!   She drove through the night to surprise me.  That meant so much!  We went to church, talked, enjoyed the day at home and Craig made a fabulous dinner of surf & turf.  Best Mother's Day ever!!!  Craig made me feel so special and Dalynne was a bonus.  It was perfect for our 1 year WA anniversary.  Monday we hung out at home and made a grocery list and set out to shop.  haha.  I had to hurry home to make a dinner for a lady in the ward who had a baby. We had baked ziti for dinner and played.  The girls loved playing with each other.  Tuesday we decided was the best weather day to do Mt. St Helens.  It was beautiful!  I was excited too because Rhett sat in the front with me and was the perfect driving buddy.  Here are the pics for the day:

Playing at the playground before going to the Ridge Observatory
 Jaycee loves this kid!
 The view from after watching the movies.
 Jaycee got a penny collector book and she was SOOO excited to start collecting pennies

 We finished up and had to head back to make a quick pizza dinner and get ready for our Tupperware party---that NO ONE CAME!!!!  That stung a bit.  I guess I chose a bad day to do it.  Afterwards Rylee was playing down the stairs and got a little cut in her head.  I was glad it wasn't anything major.
 Wednesday was recovery day and we mostly hung out and played at home since the next day we'd be going up to Seattle.  The girls LOVED playing together.  Hadi loved saying HI to D and of course KRJ club although most the time it was Jaycee & Rylee playing.  We did take them this night to our favorite frozen yogurt and was just relaxing and fun!

Hangin out in Seattle!  They wanted to do a Seattle Day and we decided to take the kids to the aquarium.  We got a hotel up near there so we could spend 2 days in the area.  We parked there, shuttled to the trains, and into Seattle we went.  Hadi had a huge poop mishap and stunk all day!  I went to buy her a shirt at the aquarium and it was $ thanks.  We just dealt with it.  So we walked through the waterfront and snapped some pics on the way.  We need to come back to Ivans and eat their seafood. 
Silly faces
Even though she stunk and was belted through the city, she still had a smile on her face
At the aquarium near the beginning-the kids were so amused with all the fish

Silly faces again
They had the coolest touch pools and I loved that there were people to tell you about the sea life.  We all got to touch the sea stars and all sorts of things. 
Jaycee being silly again
She was a little scared to touch at first but then we couldn't keep her away
Dalynne loved the anemone. It was cool because it would cling to your finger-that's how it traps fish to eat them
Jelly fish.  They were so cool to see up close
The octopus was AWESOME!!!  You could see it's face and how it breaths in the water. 


Us prettys under the dome.  It was sooo cool under there.  I could've sat there all day watching the fish.

Sea otters & Sea lions
That sea lion was super mad at D & Justin.  The kids were laughing because it sounded like he was burping but in all reality I think he was just being protective.
Walking through the city.  People were super calm & so friendly in the big city.  I loved the sealife feel to Seattle vs some other big cities I've been to
Looking out over the water front from Pike's Market

We did the 10 block walk to the space needle.  It was actually a nice walk although most of us-aka me-was onory and hungry.  We didn't want to spend the $19/person to go to the top since we already did the aquarium.  It was fun to still see it and play in the shops
After dinner and a walk we headed back to the train and caught the 9pm train just in time.  It took 25 min about to get back to the station and then we called our shuttle to come.  We had 45 min to kill so we ran around with kids and let them race up the escalators while I ran stairs.  My legs were so sore, but had to get a work out in somehow.  We headed back to the hotel suite and settled in.  Hadi was exhausted so I gave her a quick bath and put her to bed.  After we wanted to reward Jaycee because she was SOOO good in the big city.  She was such a good listener, didn't run away from us and had a good attitude.  It gets a little stressful with little kids in a big city when they aren't listening to you.  We took her to the hotel shop for a candy but they wanted $2.50 for a candy bar!!! Even the lady said "you know those are $2.50?!  I can show you how to get to 7-11"  So that's what we did.  Craig got a slurpee and Jaycee picked out Starburst.  Then Jaycee wanted to taste dad's treat and said "That's good, I want a sparkee"  She was convinced that's what they were called.  It was funny so I didn't want to correct her.  I got a thing of ice cream and made them all share with me so I didn't eat the whole thing alone.  haha.  We settled in and had a rough night of sleep.  Jaycee was snoring in my ear and is such a bad sleeper in the same bed.  By the end of the night Craig ended up on the floor with Jaycee in his spot.  We woke up exhausted and tired from a bad night sleep.  We got a bite to eat for b-fast and took the kids minus Kodee, on a walk while D got ready to go.  Then we all headed to Gig Harbor.  It was fun walking along the waterfront of the Puget Sound and the drive was beautiful!!!  We had some of the best seafood at a little cafe there.  It was a perfect trip north.

Saturday and Sunday we spent the rest of the time relaxing, playing at the parks in the rain, snacking on yummy TJ food, games, talking, naps, laughing...pretty much what a vacation is for!  


Wednesday, May 8, 2013


When I first saw this picture, I had to have it!!  It hangs nicely in Jaycee's room and I think of it every time she bows her head, folds her arms and says a prayer.  I don't know if my child acts older than the typical 4 year old or I just don't know what a typical 4 year old does.  What I do know is that I LOVE THIS AGE.  (although I think I've been saying that since she turned 6 months!)  She is a little sponge to every word, action.  With that I try to teach her things and she QUICKLY learns.  Last year when her earring fell out of her ear and in a panic to find it before her hole closed up, I taught her to say prayers whenever.  She said 2 that day and we found it on the patio in a spot that I swear we looked over a billion times.  Well now she's pretty good at prayers.  (this is more for my records so sorry if it's not funny but I want to remember these)
-She got assigned to give the opening prayer for the first time in primary a few weeks ago.  I was excited and was ready to go up and help her.  It was her turn and she nearly didn't remember and with being new & having a 150 kids in primary they almost didn't have her do it.  Luckily, her teacher got her attention.  She ran up without shoes on.  She could've cared less that I was in there to help her.  She got up grabbed the podium (no arms folded) and stared at every person and said a prayer...Eyes wide open.  haha.  So this last week on the way home from church (I like to ask her what she learned) I asked what she learned.  "Mom, we got chocolate bears and they are no gluten.  Maddie can't have gluten because it hurts her tummy.  Gluten is bad mom"  Hmmmm..okay so she learned about gluten and I'm having a conversation with a 4yr old about gluten.  She goes on to tell me that her friend Bre said the prayer like she did.  "When I said the prayer (and she is saying this with her hand held out-prissy like) the kids weren't closing their eyes.  And I was like (YES, SHE SAID LIKE haha) quit staring at me."  Appearantly, she didn't like everyone staring at her and that's why she didn't close her eyes.
-The other day she was saying a prayer for dinner and stops in the middle and whispers "Dad, do you have to work tomorrow"  Craig nods yes.  "Please bless daddy will drive safe to work tomorrow"  Such a tender moment.
-We had friends over on Sunday for dinner and she said the prayer.  She asked "Please bless we can have a fun day tomorrow."  Oh about 10 times, no joke.  I'm pretty sure Monday was a SUPER FUN day thanks to her prayer.
-Last week I was having a bad day and Jaycee and Hadi weren't adding to the bad day.  Jaycee came in and saw that she poured sunscreen on Milly.  I was so mad and already so done with her that I quickly said, "Now she's going to die!!!"  I realize, that wasn't nice.  That night in her prayers "Please bless the sunscreen will melt so Milly won't die"  Good one mom.
-Craig was about to go to his work trip and she said the prayer.  "Please bless daddy will be on his work trip for only 4 days"  I think she misses him just a little bit when he's gone ;)
-I've tried to teach her that we also tell Heavenly Father in our prayers that we are thankful for things.  She was going on about "bless this....."  So I whispered "thank you for our friends"  She quietly whispers I can do it mom  "please bless our friends"  I don't think she's learned the thank-you part quite yet. 
-Oh funny...tonight we went grocery shopping and she's become quite the helper and to find good things.  So in her night prayer tonight she says "Bless Fred Meyer will have sugar-free food.  Bless we can have healthy foods with no bad sugar" 
-She always asked to "Bless that I can be nice to my baby sister"  She truly has a sweet, tender heart for her little sister.  Even today Hadi fell on water while I was exercising and Jaycee quickly jumped up to help her up and kiss it better. 

I just love the innocence of Jaycee and many other little kids her age.  I can only imagine how it makes our Heavenly Father feel to hear those sweet words directed to him.  If we can all be like the little children!

Now Hiring...PRN hubby/daddy

For all of you non-rx writing people.... PRN means as needed.  In dental school we had to learn how to write prescriptions and read them and this just stuck so if you were wondering what that meant.

So last night & tonight & most tomorrow, Craig is in Seattle for a conference.  Yes, another one.  He calls tonight and about an hour into talking he drops a bomb.  He's good at that.  "So I have bad news"  My mind starts racing and thinking about every worst situation. This time I thought "he's not going to Utah at all with us"  "He's gotta fly to Maine"  instead I hear.  We got a job in Alaska and I'm leaving again....AND when Aimee & Kyle are here.  That seriously is the worst part about his job.  I don't mind when it's a few days here and there but holy smokes it seems like he is traveling a TON this year so far.  Also I hate that they can just spring it onto him quick like that (technically it's not his fault, but the client that wants him there) 
---So this job.  I guess a year ago 2 guys went and marketed up there in Alaska and never really heard much.  So last week the company calls them up and says, we want you guys to come up and write a report and do a job.  Just out of the blue.---
It makes me feel so grateful because of job security.  Although I don't worry with Kleinschmidt.  Even reading their website...I'd want to hire them too.  So  on that note here is the application that you just simply need to print off, fill out and a referral would be a bonus.

DO YOU WASH DISHES                               YES             NO
CAN YOU MAKE ME LAUGH                     YES             NO
                                                                         YES            NO
                                                                          YES           NO
ARE YOU A GOOD LISTENER?  JAYCEE AND I WILL, YES WILL, TALK YOUR EAR OFF ALL NIGHT LONG                                                 YES              NO

***okay so this was just to be funny*** 
But for this:
May 6-May 8  Seattle
May 22-24    Hood River, OR
May 28-June 1   Bend, OR
June 11-13  Alaska
July 14-27  Nowhereville, ID
And then tonight also found that sometime between the Alaska one & Idaho that he might have to go to CA.  Sheesh.  On some of them I've thought about going with him but 1-having a large dog that is protective, large, stinky and yes, large wouldn't work  2-paparazzi parties already scheduled  3-young womens calling   So we aren't able to jump in and join him although it was super tempting for the Seattle trip.
Now add on:
May Dalynne and her family are coming in town
2 weeks later Aimee & her family are coming
3 weeks later we are going out there FOREVER
Dawn following us back
Craig parents & Aunt coming in October
MAYBE Dalynne family again in October
MAYBE us out in November
***although all the visitors and visits are the fun part***
Craig has decided that he won't be taking his SE test in October.  With all the job sites, and you have to remember every day out of the office on visits means that's a day behind in all his other stuff he's gotta get done, taking days off for family & taking days off for our trip, and again all the job sites  he's feeling a little overwhelmed.  I told him a week ago, and it may sound silly, but to pray about it.  I honestly think it's best than to cram another thing in and it's not like this is an easy test by any means.  The pass rate in October 2012 was only 43% for the first section and 25% for the second section..    Did I mention it is a 16 hour test!!!! 
I feel pretty confident in him though because duh, he's a smarty pants, but also he passed CA PE THE FIRST TIME!  In 2010 (he took it in 2011) the pass rate was 36% for the first section, second section which is only a CA specific test 39% and the last section again a CA specific test the pass rate of 40%.  So I'm confident he'll pass his SE test but he needs the time & focus to put into it.  I think it'll be better for him to study during the winter.  So I'm glad he made that decision although it pushes it back 6 months. 

So there ya go.  Now you are bored and know about Craig's work life.  haha.