

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

We're going to....BOISE, IDAHO

Craig has been looking for jobs since August 2013 when we decided we really wanted to move closer to home.  It also helped that he was super stressed at work & decided consulting just wasn't his "cup of tea".  We only looked in Utah and at a few companies that we were interested in.  He applied for one clearly was overqualified.  Another job came in the spring of 2014 that was located in Boise.  This gave us the idea that ya! we could live in Boise.  We researched it a lot and got really excited that he could get a job there.  The job came but they wanted a different type of engineer.  Along came another job in Utah-he wasn't quite qualified for it and another job in Boise-and didn't make it past the first questionaire (it was a government job and he wasn't a veteran)  June 2014 came and another job came but at this point I was done looking.  I was content & happy with Washington and didn't want him to apply, but he felt he should.  July came and I just had this feeling inside that he was going to get an interview.  This job was with the Beaureau of Reclamation (government) so getting to an interview is a big deal as you have to get through some rounds.  He passed the first part and they called for an interview.  About a week after the phone interview they called for a person-to-person interview.  He quickly flew out and they said it would take a week or two to hear back.  In the meantime we were really excited, yet okay if it didn't work out.  If he got the job it meant...a lot of work! 
It was a Friday night and Jaycee had a soccer game.  Craig had a 3 day work trip so he rushed to catch the last part of her game.  After the game he headed home and I went and grabbed a pizza for dinner.  I came home to this....
(when he applied for the earlier Boise jobs, this idea came in my mind of announcing we were moving.  I just KNEW somehow in Boise we would get a new job--I am very lucky to get these feelings)

So CRAIG GOT THE JOB!  He held out all day without telling me!  We spent the night looking at a budget of what financially would be happening.  Actually is the same pay with better health benefits, more affordable place to live and no more paying outrageous Oregon taxes!  Craig fasted that weekend, talked a ton with our friends Merryweathers (he works for the government) and we decided to take the job!  Now the fun comes!

We got an agent to our house, filled out paper work, had a nice list of things to do to get the house "staged", had a photographer come take pictures and then 2 weeks after he found out he got the job...the house was listed.-----3 showings later, 6 days, it was pending!  We even got full listing price with helping the new owners with closing costs.  What a blessing!  AND we close on November 20, 4 days after Craig starts work

In the meantime we have been doing school, soccer, inspection done with another list of things (silly things) to do, playing with friends, Paparazzi party, paperwork, insurance to figure out, finding a rental home, arranging movers and a HUGE THING has been taking up my time....I'll post about that later!  We're chugging right along and things seem to be working out.  I truly know the Lord is helping all of this and feel so much that this is his plan.  Boise probably isn't my favorite place as I love Washington & greenery, but I honestly feel if we submit our lives into the Will of the Lord, things will work out and we will be happy. 

Saturday, September 27, 2014

This is Jaycee's first year of going to school and becoming a big Kindergarten.  It's been a long time coming and she's been so excited!!!  Craig unfortunately was out of town and missed her first day and first soccer game.  It was a bummer.  He decided the day before his work trip he would take her out for a special breakfast with just him or us as well.  It was fun to spend the morning before work focused on Jaycee and big things happening in her life.  Her first day of school she requested smiley face pancakes and she was so excited to wear her new Ariel dress I had bought this summer.  She also was so excited to ride the bus home.  Here they ride the Kindergarteners home (for AM) and pick up (for PM)  She was funny and didn't have a ton to say about her first day but she was excited to see girls from her soccer team and her best friends from church. 

 BREAKFAST WITH FAMILY   She really wanted the stuffed french toast and it was hilarious to see her face when it came out.  She was so surprised at how big it was. 

Taking Jaycee is quite fun.  We have walked every day  (.7 miles) because I have heard horror stories of the line to pick up and drop off.  We've gone in the rain & shine and not one complaint from Jaycee or Hadi.  She also loves that she gets to ride her scooter to school.  I'm also finding that mornings are quite the social hour.  There's so many people, mostly church & soccer, that I don't even get back for at least an hour.  I love it though.  It's been a really fun schedule.

 Little Ms. Hadi wanted to get a pic done too

 Walking to school with her buddy Cyra-she comes over every morning
 Waiting for the bus

 Jaycee has really grasped a love for soccer.  She loves her practices & especially her new friends.  She especially loves soccer games.  I think because all the parents are cheering & she gets a snack after them.  The first game of the season she was the MVP and scored so many goals.  It was so fun to watch and quite shocking as the girls like to pretty much hug all practice.  It was fun to see them hussle and put into effect the things they've learned at practice.  She's had 5 games so far and half way through the season.  She has quickly gained the love of defense.  She doesn't run after the ball so much anymore to shoot but is quick to defend.  It's really fun to see the girls learn and see what positions they are enjoying.

A few pics of school things


Friday, September 12, 2014

We were soooo lucky to have the Read family come up to WA to visit and we loved every minute that they stayed.  We had a packed 2 weeks with lots of talking, jogging, yummy food, playing with kids & relaxing.  I wish there could be 2 weeks like that every single month!  Our families just get along so easily & have so much in common.  It's such a blessing when you can have family members that are also your best friends!

The girls having a fun time playing with all the toys
 Love little Sawyer!  She really is a blessing from Heaven and her little spirit has brought so much comfort to me through this past year since losing my own baby. 
 Kids Club!
 Eating dinner next to the Columbia River at Beaches.  The kids got a toy with their meal and this is what Oaklee picked out.  So Silly
 Family pictures next to the river after dinner----good one Craig
 We took our new trailer to the coast for 2 nights so we could hang out there for 3 days.  It was filled with Bowpicker (Astoria)....BEST FISH & CHIPS EVER!!...Seaside evening walk; Seaside shopping & beach day & Long Beach town & beach.  Lots of memories & great times that we had! 
Kyle was so fun to see his enthusiasm for yummy food

 Best buds getting all cuddled in bed for the night.  Jaycee adores Wyatt
 Wyatt & Jaycee didn't care at all that the water mixed with weather was a tad chilly.  They were in swimming nearly the whole day.  It was so fun to watch them laugh and having fun in the waves. 
 Love every minute at the Beach!!!

 After playing & dinner we rushed over to Cannon Beach to try & hit the low tide to see the sea stars.  Once again...we missed out!  It was lower tide but mixed with the time of year made the tide not as low that we needed.  It was funny to see everyone at least try to find them.

 Hadi thought it was funny to chase the seagulls
 One of my favorite things is beaching at the beach at sunset.  I love how calm the water is and I love watching the sun slip below the horizon.  It is just beautiful!  Add in my favorite people

 Saturday we ended the day in Long Beach eating lunch, shopping/walking the shops & then at the beach for a walk.  This is a fantastic picture of how the day went with Hadi. 

Going for a walk & feeding the ducks
 We spent great summer time in the yard and the kids sure had a fun time.  The girls loved playing with Oaklee and they quickly became best buds
 Aimee is so stinking cute!!!!  And we found a new favorite store!!!  The kids were exhausted from all the shopping---of course we loaded up on VooDoo before we hit the stores
 Aimee wanted to get pictures of her family while they were up in the beauty that is everywhere.  It was....interesting to say the least.  Getting 3 kids to look at the same time & trying to's not an easy job. I think she got some really cute ones though! 

What a hot couple
 This is the one that is my absolute favorite and worth the time that it took to do the pictures.  I love this pic!
 This is gorgeous!
Just some snaps from my phone... Sawyer is a beautiful baby!

 Just laying up looking up at the trees
 The kids playing after pictures
 We did the Ape Caves and boy it was soooo fun!  This picture just melts my heart!
 Deep in the cave---you can't see anything so when the flash goes off you just hurry & pose.  It's fun to see what the pic will look like
 We did finally make it to the very end to where you can only crawl.  This is about where I said...No more!  Craig, Jaycee & Kyle went in deeper while I waited anxiously.  My claustrophobia was def kicking in!
 Aimee is so stunning!
 haha the kids found a chipmunk and were saying...Where's Alvin?!

 Ending the trip at Chuck E Cheese, Bones for dinner & swimming at 10pm!

One of the saddest is that I was so tired I didn't hear my alarm go off so I didn't get to say goodbye in the morning when they left.  It was a horrible day and I felt so empty inside.  I was glad though that we had the time we did.  Count you many blessings!!!