

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

I'm 6 months!!!!

I had my dr apt yesterday and I've grown!  I weigh 14lb 15oz (7%) and 25 1/2 inches long (8%) and my noggin is 43 cm (37%).  Mom was so excited that I'm growing and on the charts.  I'm such a happy baby and love my food!  My favorites so far are prunes, peaches & bananas but I don't mind the vegetables either.  I just love to eat!!!  I love to sit up and can almost do it on my own-I occasionally fall over to the sides.  I also am really good at rolling all over the floor.  Toys are fun now especially the crinkle books that make noise or the toys I can hold and shake to make noises.  Mommy thinks its funny when I do that.  I love my big sisters and my parents--they make me smile and so happy.  My favorite place to take naps is my swing with one of my blankets & my new binkies.  I'm sleeping pretty good-from 9pm-9am with a feeding about 6am.  I still like to eat with mommy but I get really distracted and I don't want to eat as long.  I'm just to busy to see what's going on all the time.  Mom & Dad say I'm such a happy baby and always laughing & smiling. 
I don't really cry except when I'm hungry or tired.  Otherwise, I'm very easy to be around.  I have started to have a little stranger danger to some people but when I see my family, I realize it's okay.  
I'm so lucky to be in such a loving family and we all are so blessed!  
Can you believe I'm 5 months?!!!
Mom says I'm a little stud and I still laugh & smile at her...I've got charm!  I like to play with toys, being on my tummy but my favorite is when it's time to eat.  I've tried carrots, peas & applesauce and I love my oatmeal & rice cereal.  It's been fun to eat new foods and I get really excited when I see my bowl of food.  I go to bed around 8-9 and sleeping until 5-6 with some naps in the daytime. 
I'm 4 months old already!
I'm slowly, but surely...growing!  I'm weighing in at a whole 11lb 15oz and I grew to 24 1/8 inches.  I love to be interactive with others.  When I'm not eating, I'm always smiling and giggling all the time.  I'm almost rolling over and starting to be interested in eating with the big kids.  I LOVE my blanket & binkie and still need them to fall asleep.  I sleep for 6-8 hour stretches at night, to give mom & dad a break.  I love to sit up and be involved with everything going on. 
*We just can't say how much we love our little guy and so blessed he is here in our family*