

Thursday, February 7, 2013


So hopefully you won't hate my blog now because most likely I will talk about more healthy eating. 
Day 1 was actually pretty easy.  Maybe because it was new.  I did go and buy LOTS AND LOTS of veggies.  Craig thought I was going vegan/vegetarian/zen on him because I watched that show at night and text him the next morning my plan and asked if he was on board.  He's very skeptical when it comes to some things but this makes sense to not only me but him.  Going to the store I realized...SUGAR IS IN EVERYTHING!!!  It really is hard to find things that sugar hasn't been added in.  This is going to be a struggle but I will conquer and find good things.  My first quest is jam with no added sugar so the girls can have that for lunch.  Peanut butter is actually a good thing for them and honey has no added sugar but it a natural high sugar food so gotta limit that.  It was pretty fun to see my girls munching on cucumbers with me.  We even had a wheat pasta for dinner with a huge salad---let me clarify; we had a huge salad with a side of pasta for dinner.  hehe.  Craig and I both went to bed feeling great and actually not even hungry at all.

Day 2  Today was a bit harder.  I woke up with a headache.  I wonder if sugar can have that affect as it clearly is addictive like any other thing: caffeine, alcohol, drugs.  I did okay and stuck good on my food until around 3.  I was grouchy!  I wanted to cave in!  Those left over M&M from last week YW sounded so good.  I held out strong and grabbed the banana and enjoyed every bite. I did a lot of research today on articles of why sugar is not good and how to get it OUT!  I also stumbled across an AMAZING BLOG!!!   I was feeling like a lost puppy.  I had the motivation.  I had the information.  I bought the veggies.  Where to go from here?  We had a delicious dinner of fajitas.  Red & green pepper & onion sauted with a TB of EVOO (this is new for us too as we usually DID vegetable oil) spices and chicken.  Then I made my own guacamole-avacodo, lemon juice, seasoning-along with a tad of Kyle's homemade salsa.  All wrapped up in a whole wheat tortilla oh and a side of black beans.  We were shocked we could have such a yummy dinner and not feel deprived.  We went for a 2 mile jog pushing the strollers and I needed a tad of sugar so I had 2 strawberries.  I'm feeling so good right now.

This is going to be a process I'm aware.  We are taking it cold turkey with the sugar and not adding and finding foods without them adding in and cycling with better choices.  I'm hoping to find a recipe for homemade granola bars as the girls love these.  Also I'm working on banana/wheat pancakes for breakfast.  It's going to be an adjustment but from what I've read: give it 2 weeks and you'll realize you CAN have foods just need to add the GOOD ones in.  Also I'm excited for the freedom of not writing calories down.  Eating healthy requires putting good things in, listening to your body and going from there. 


  1. Way to go, Mandee! Don't give up. My trainer once told me that exercise and eating right are both important but that eating is 90% of it! Once you get your head around that and stick to it, the pounds really come off easy--it's the sticking to it that is not easy. Nothing feels as good as going to buy pants or skirts two or three size smaller than you had recently worn. YOU GO, GIRL! (you look great in your picture!)

  2. Well sister, it does sound hard. But if I know anything, it's that you are a motivated person. I know you'll do great on your quest. Honestly, I don't think I could quit cold turkey, but I have been implementing things into my diet so thanks for all the tips and the website. Fajitas are my absolute fave meal...I've been doing them with lettuce leaves for like a lettuce wrap and I just love them. We have been using EVOO for years and it does make a huge difference. It's so healthy, and I think it gives a ton more flavor! Keep going are doing great!!!
