

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

8 days down and more to come

Well we've made it over a week!  YAY!  It doesn't feel as strange lately but it still makes things a tad harder with everyday life.  Mostly because I make everything from breakfast, lunch and dinner and now snacks.  I don't mind though.  It's fun making new recipes.  We did have a "cheat" day on Sunday.  We were fasting all day and got invited to a family in the ward for dinner.  They knew we were trying this new way of eating and I give them props for making a yummy dinner.  It was funny though because she made enchiladas---they were devine!!!---and after the first bite I could tell instantly that there was sugar in them.  We also had a little brownie for dessert.  I felt guilty for giving into peer pressure but maybe once in a while it's good to "splurge" so I don't give up. 
We've made some real yummy dinners & meals.  From banana/wheat pancakes, to turkey/avacodo sandwiches to a mongolian style with veggies and noodles.  It's been really fun to see that there still is LOTS to eat.  Tonight Craig and I made homemade granola bars & lemon/honey roasted almonds.  Mmmm...
Also I found that I LOVE WINCO!!!  I can find so many things there like coconut oil, coconut milk, fresh peanut butter with no sugar, veggies, bulk nuts of every sort, jam for sandwiches with no sugar added  and all these things for good prices.  I was afraid of that when we started this because I do love Trader Joes but I think it's a bit pricey.  Oh and we started a detox with eating chia seeds & lots of green veggies.  haha. That's a fun time. LOL 
So overall it's been a good week and I'm feeling great.  I have energy.  I wake up rested.  And if you know me well enough I lived on caffeine.  Today is day 8 without and I'm loving this!  The caffeine headache really sucked too!  I'm very impressed with the way the kids have been handling it.  At the store today I was looking for some type of cracker I could give them and shopping takes forever.  I have to look at all the ingredients.  So then Jaycee picks up a box and says "No sugar. right mom?"  Then a lady by us (who was bigger) picks up cookies and Jaycee tells the lady "Those aren't healthy.  They have sugar in them"  Oh I was embarrased!  It was kinda funny though.  I'm glad I'm teaching them good eating habits and to realize what's good for them.  I'm also impressed with Craig.  He is pretty easy to please with most things.  He loses weight pretty fast too.  But he does love his food so I feel bad some of his favorites he can't have anymore so I'm always trying to find recipes for things he'll love so we keep with this for a lifetime. 

So there you go.  No Sugar added can happen!  It's hard I won't lie.  But I know this is better in the long run.


  1. Hey its jamie Ohlin. How are you doing? I just wanted to say congrats on the no sugar. That's a pretty hard thing to do. I know I couldn't do it. I have a blog now to. Hope everything goes good and stick to it.


  2. Well you are very strong for sure. I'm very proud of yall for sticking with what you think works for your fam. It's amazing how much stuff there really is, because when I first heard about it, I didn't think there would be. But your recipes do sound amazing...maybe you can compile a little recipe book of your faves for me. Then maybe I can get on board as well. Its frustrating when you work so hard...I go to the gym 4 times a week...and though I have lost all weight, I cannot get rid of this preggers belly. After 4 kids, they surely have stretched this tummy out. Some days I feel I just should get a little lipo, LOL! Thanks for the great motivation. You are doing amamzing...yall look great
