

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Healthier Living

My body is in a vicious cycle.  
When I got married I weighed in at my lowest of 155.  I exercised all the time but I didn't necessarily "eat" right.  In fact, I was sooo busy with working full time, school & dating my hubby that I didn't eat much at all and when I did it wasn't healthy by any means.  Craig introduced me to the wonderful idea of breakfast, lunch & dinner LOL  I quickly gained 15 pounds.  I got lazy and hardly ever exercised and if I did it was a mile jog maybe 2x a week.  I was still doing school now full time & working until around 11 almost every night and so the idea of being healthy was not in my mind.  I knew I needed to lose these wedding pounds but also knew I would be getting pregnant soon so was looking forward to having an excuse to "be fat" 

With Jaycee I remember weighing in around 175 and when I delivered I was 220! !!!  I had gained 45 pounds!  I tried a little bit to eat good but I couldn't resist the crap.  After she was born and at around 8 weeks old I weighed in at 201.  I did lose 19 with delivering & nursing but still had lots to go.  I started jogging a lot and then added in Biggest Loser work out videos to help tone as well as the cardio.  I got down to 193 and she was 1 year old.  I had the working out part down...but the eating was horrible!  We then moved across country which included a week of eating food on the road and quickly so came 5 pounds!  I was 198 again and Jaycee at this point was 16 months and I knew something needed to change.  I was working out 4 days a week and hard work outs but just wasn't losing weight.  That's when Craig and I went on the journey of eating better.  We cut out hamburger almost completely, lowfat/diet everything, counting calories, whole grain breads & pastas.  Needless to say from July-November I went from 198 to 175.  23 pounds!  We were looking so much better and feeling better to.  BUT THEN it was time to get pregnant again!  I got my IUD taken out in November and the whole "dieting" was getting exhausting.  I reached my pre-baby weight and didn't try for more.  The holidays came & I kept working out so I kept it off but I didn't try for more or to improve my eating habits.  In April I found out I was pregnant with Hadley.

I vowed I wouldn't gain as much and that I would be better.  The beginning was rough thinking I miscarried & told that and remember indulging in cake because it drowned my sorrows.  My weight gain in the beginning was actually really slow & good because I hardly ate because I felt like crap.  I walked, walked, walked!  Probably about 8 miles a week.  Then the 2nd trimester hit.  HOT SUMMER so I hated being out in the heat while walking so that stopped for a bit.  Along came ice cream sandwiches & not healthy stuff.  Then the 3rd trimester and I knew my weight gain would be the same.  At my last appointment the doctor even made a comment that I needed to stop my weight gain. I wish they would've put me on a diet but I was 39 weeks and done!  I did start the walking up again once the weather cooled and that made a huge difference I feel like with labor as I did go natural and was actually not bad at all.  At the end I was walking about 6 miles/week through contractions.  I weighed in at 230 at my last appointment-55 pound weight gain!!!  I knew this would be rough.

Hadi was born right before Christmas and my labor was actually pretty easy with the recovery.  I did eat bad things with the holidays and at 5 weeks I got on the scale.  215.  I had only lost 15 pounds since she was born but knew that batch of toffee I made sure didn't help.  I started working out.  Craig didn't like that since it'd only been 5 weeks but I felt ready to go.  I did try to count calories but with nursing I would get light headed and wasn't worth the fight.  Instead I decided to try really hard to eat better.  Hadi is almost 14 months and I'm proud to say I weigh in at 188.  I've lost 27 pounds in a year and I'm ready for more!

My goal is still 175 for my pre-baby but I'm going to try hard to get down to wedding weight at 155, which still is 20 pounds overweight according to my BMI.  Craig has been a huge support to eat the healthy things and miss the other things I used to buy.  Also I watched a documentary last night on Netflix about eating healthier because there's so much crap that we put into our bodies.  We've already made the switch to whole grain breads & pasta.  Next step is the whole grain wheat & brown jasmine rice.  BUT MOSTLY VEGGIES!!!  We are really bad at those.  We're pretty good at eating carrots & corn but we need more!  We're also good at fruits.  Also today is DAY ONE of no soda!  I probably drink 2 a week so this will be a struggle but it'll be worth it.  Also the top 3 things to help relieve stress (stress causes the body to go into a "famine" mode of storing fat) is more sleep, more exercise (I'm doing 5 days a week now but there's more room for improvement) and more laughter :)    I really know this is a good thing and that it'll help to raise more healthier children and to make us feel happier and better.  I recommend everyone watching that show to learn more.  So here's to 2013 and dropping weight, eating healthier & feeling better.  Also helps that we aren't in a huge hurry to get pregnant so no deadline although my 175 goal is April. 

Everyone can do this!  Let's help each other to feed our bodies what they need!


  1. I'm there with you. I will have to do it with you although you aren't here. Kyle is so frustrated with me. I told him I'm not going crazy and I just want to be better at eating healthier things as a family. He is needing some sort of motivation as his eating habits SUCK. I told him even if we can't cut a lot of the crap out completely, let's try really hard to put portion control in the mix. So, we (I) am doing to try my best to cut out the bad and involve more healthy foods. I need to be a good example to the kids. And my food eating has not been the greatest lately. I also want to cut out soda completely, even diet. I don't drink many to begin with so I know I can just cut it out all together. But there are those days I just need my diet dew and my day feels better. So, here is to trying to be better. As I want to be at 165 by July. My first goal is 175 by March 3. Here is to us both reaching our goal the healthy way!

  2. Well girls, I for one have to say yall are both incredibly gorgeous! Yes, I should jump on the bandwagon because I too need to eat healthier. I will do my best...we have used EVOO and canola oil for year, we only eat whole grain bread and pasta, I never drink soda (maybe a sip in a month or so), and we do eat alot of produce. I guess, it'll have to be more working out, less candy and salt because those are my 2 bad habits. Thanks girls for being good examples. I know if you can do it, I can too.
