

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Hadley May

We finally had check ups done today and our little Ms. Hadi is looking just fabulous.  She is just about 2 1/2 years old and has the attitude and sas of a teenager.
Hadi weighs in at 25lb 2 oz  14%
height at 2' 11.25"   46%
head 47.5 cm   36%

Hadi is such a fun little girl and we just love her in our family.  She loves copying big sis; playing puppy or baby with Jaycee as mom; she can be found playing with dolls & toys all day long; she is obsessed with her blankies and her thumb; riding her scooter; playing with her friends & especially Jaycee; watching Frozen and belting out the songs.  Hadi loves music and singing songs like Itsy Bitsy Spider, Jesus Wants me for a Sunbeam, Roar by Katy Perry, If You're Happy and you Know it--anything. Hadi is in that fun 2 year old stage where most days are filled with tears & tantrums and then comes a good day where she is so lovey & cute.  Hadi is a cuddle bug and loves to come into mom & dads room to try & cuddle at night time. 
Hadi is very independent and will go put herself to bed if she tired, wants to do most things on her own and it takes A LOT of patience from mom & dad.  My ultimate favorite thing about Hadley is how much love she has for her sissy-it's my favorite to see. 

Favorite foods   hot dogs, pizza, eggs, suckers--pretty much any candy, fruit of all kinds, most veggies but does love cucumbers & cherry tomatoes, CHEESE!
Favorite color   I've been trying to teach her and the only color she recognizes is Orange so I'd say for her pink or orange
Favorite Friend   Janessa Merryweather but she LOVES talking about Oaklee
BedTime    Usually to bed around 10:30 and wakes up around 8 with a nap in the day about an hour
Favorite Thing to Do         She loves dolls, barbies and pretty much all toys.  She also loves to sit by the cupboard & "read" books.  Also she loves to play pretend
This pic is Hadi to a tee.....then wait 30 seconds and turns to this silly goof ball.  We love our Hadi May

1 comment:

  1. I was reading this and it reminds me of my girls, as I was reading I was like yep that Sounds like Kanyon, or that sounds like Kallie.. it's crazy how fast they grow up. I hope all is well. I love reading your blogs. Thanks for posting.. Keep in touch..
