I'm 6 months!!!!
I had my dr apt yesterday and I've grown! I weigh 14lb 15oz (7%) and 25 1/2 inches long (8%) and my noggin is 43 cm (37%). Mom was so excited that I'm growing and on the charts. I'm such a happy baby and love my food! My favorites so far are prunes, peaches & bananas but I don't mind the vegetables either. I just love to eat!!! I love to sit up and can almost do it on my own-I occasionally fall over to the sides. I also am really good at rolling all over the floor. Toys are fun now especially the crinkle books that make noise or the toys I can hold and shake to make noises. Mommy thinks its funny when I do that. I love my big sisters and my parents--they make me smile and so happy. My favorite place to take naps is my swing with one of my blankets & my new binkies. I'm sleeping pretty good-from 9pm-9am with a feeding about 6am. I still like to eat with mommy but I get really distracted and I don't want to eat as long. I'm just to busy to see what's going on all the time. Mom & Dad say I'm such a happy baby and always laughing & smiling.
I don't really cry except when I'm hungry or tired. Otherwise, I'm very easy to be around. I have started to have a little stranger danger to some people but when I see my family, I realize it's okay.
I don't really cry except when I'm hungry or tired. Otherwise, I'm very easy to be around. I have started to have a little stranger danger to some people but when I see my family, I realize it's okay.
I'm so lucky to be in such a loving family and we all are so blessed!