I was sure grateful for the first few weeks of being happy and feeling the spirit in that time.
One of the days we actually got snow! The girls were so excited
Gma Parker sent us a fun house to make rice crispies with. The girls loved them. Jaycee every Friday has play group and so it was at our house one of the weeks and all the little kids loved making these and decorating. Thank you Grandma!
The day before Christmas Eve I set out to get the groceries we needed for the upcoming days, run errands to people as well as a few last minute gifts for friends. It took us forever! Between traffic, finding parking spots and going all over...it was exhausting. At one point I looked back and this is what I saw
Christmas Eve came. Up to this point I had been spotting and thought that was all my miscarriage would be. I had no idea what was to come. This day we spent baking & making treats for our friends & neighbors. It was a blast! Craig even helped. It was a crazy busy day though. I think I spent the majority of the day in the kitchen. This is why a great kitchen is a must. I LOVE MY KITCHEN! We made cute little reindeer donuts, snowman donuts, toffee, peanut butter nut chews, pb blossom cookies for santa.; for dinner little smokies, cut up veggies & dip, cut up fruit & dip and some crackers with meat & cheese. Holidays def bring good food! And at this point...I didn't care a bit about gaining a few pounds. We ended the night Skyping with family. The girls loved seeing their aunts & uncles; gma & gpa and cousins. They got soooo spoiled and were so excited to play with all their toys. The downside of Skype is it gets really loud and then everyone forgets that we are talking so we ended up being done a little early so the girls could get things ready for bed. We did our traditional Nativity reading with our nativity set and ended the night on a spiritual side with the focus on Christ. The girls were asleep fast.
Christmas Day we had plans to go to our friend's house for dinner and games. Jaycee woke me up around 730am and was sad saying her tummy hurt. 10 minutes later she was in the bathroom throwing up. Then she came in our bed and snuggled and didn't feel good. We asked her if she remembered what day it was and she had no idea. We stayed in bed for a little bit longer and then I had the idea to get my camcorder out to show her what day it was. (having her watch last year) Right after she watched about 2 minutes, she jumped up and said....let's go downstairs! We laughed. Kids are awesome! We woke up Hadi and all of us headed down. She had another awesome expression. Last year was the dog treats---this year, the loofa. So funny! Hadi I think had no idea what was going on but she was excited for her presents and her dream lite. Everyone played with the opened gifts while we started breakfast. We always do biscuits & gravy mmmmm! Then we all went back and opened up presents. It was the perfect day! We got A LOT of movies and watched a lot throughout the day in between playing and eating. We had yummy dinner of ham, sweet potatoes, rolls, baked carrots, jello. Later that night I called my mom and we talked and she reminded me about my issues going on. I honestly kinda forgot about it. She explained about how her body went through her miscarriage and I thought, that's crazy. All I've had was spotting-ish. I didn't think much more of it but kinda ended the night sad and depressed knowing that we lost our baby. Lots of emotions were going on. We did have a fun day and enjoyed every minute in our home together. I just love my family so much and enjoy every minute with them!
The above pictures. The first one I said smile and then Hadi insisted I take another one. It is priceless! haha on the phone with Kyle talking about their nerf guns....boys!
The week of Christmas Craig actually only went in Monday. The day after Christmas he worked from home and I felt cooped up so we went to WalMart to look at deals & walk around. He didn't got to work the next day and I was so grateful.
My baby #3 was born this night. Dec. 26 about 10:15pm Love my babies!