"this is all in her words"
1- I'm thankful for my food. Because I can eat.
2- I'm grateful that I have fun days and good lifes. So that I can be safe.
3- I'm grateful for my dogs Milly & Izzy. Because I like to play with them.
4- I'm grateful for that we can take baths and that we can be safe. That Milly & Izzy won't die.
5- I'm thankful for my house. Because I want to live and not be soakin wet and not have leaves all over me.
6- I'm thankful for my family. Because I don't want to be so all alone in my life.
Now she wants to type....

Tuesday, November 19, 2013
A month of Gratitude
So I realized tonight that it's been a while since I've blogged. October was NUTS and can't believe November is already half gone and NUTS again!!! I won't lie---I like it.
As I've been seeing everyone's gratitude on f/b I thought I'd take a few minutes to jot down my gratitude list this year-in no order:
1-I'm grateful for music. I always have music on. It sets my mood whether cleaning, exercising, making food, doing my hair, etc. I just love music.
2-I'm grateful for revelations. In our religion we believe we can receive personal revelation from our Father in Heaven through the Holy Ghost. There's been MANY times I've had feelings to different things and so has Craig. I'm grateful we have that power to communicate with Heavenly Father to help us or others in such a special way.
3-I'm grateful for my girls. They are my pride. They are my EVERYTHING! They remind me of what it was like having my little sister near me all the time. They're my best buddies. My life would be incomplete without them.
4-In part with 3, I'm grateful I get to stay home. It's not a DEMAND or a RIGHT, it's def a privelidge. Now days seems harder for moms to do this and how grateful I am. It was a hard adjustment at first but now the thought of going to work everyday makes me cringe. I love my alarm clock coming in to wake me up every morning. I love being with them-even cleaning up their messes all day. I just am so blessed.
5-I guess this should be Number One but I'm grateful for my husband. He's my best friend. My partner in this life & next. My friend who I can talk to about ANYTHING. He gets me. He KNOWS me. He is my support system to everything! I am so blessed & lucky to have him in my life and that he asked me to marry him.
6-I'm grateful for church. There's a lot that can be stressful in going to church but in the end, we are commanded to go and every week when I feel confirmation from the Holy Ghost that I'm in the right place, it makes it all worth it.
7-I'm grateful for caffeine. Yup! No expanding on that one.
8-I'm grateful for my testimony in the church. I feel so lucky to have knowledge that others don't. I love that I know my purpose in this mortal life and that my family is forever!!!!
9-I'm grateful for a warm house. On rainy, wet nights when I can hear the patter of rain I always think it's nice to be warm & dry.
10-I'm grateful for food. Mmmmmm...
11- I'm grateful for medicine.
12- I'm grateful for knowledge.
13-I'm grateful for my extended family including my siblings. What would life be without family?!!!!
14- I'm grateful for freedom. Freedom to make choices to move. Freedom to go to church. Freedom to do whatever, whenever.
15- I'm grateful for Paparazzi. There's soooo many people I have met from selling this awesome product. I love the relationships I've made because I started this journey. I knew NO ONE when we moved here! I love the excitement of an awesome product many haven't heard of. The $$$ part is nice too. I love that it helped my "tom-girl" become girly. I love that I feel confident & beautiful just by putting on a simple accessory. I love that you can have the freedom to do your business how you want it.
16- This sounds silly to some, but after living in Maine, you'd understand...>I'm grateful for Natural Gas.
17- I'm grateful for technology. I can Skype my sisters on a random whim. I can text many all at one time & feel social & connected. I can use my phone to run a credit card---seriously-so cool. We can watch shows instantly through Wi-fi We can shop online. It's amazing!
I will add more later. Jaycee is dying to do a list too
As I've been seeing everyone's gratitude on f/b I thought I'd take a few minutes to jot down my gratitude list this year-in no order:
1-I'm grateful for music. I always have music on. It sets my mood whether cleaning, exercising, making food, doing my hair, etc. I just love music.
2-I'm grateful for revelations. In our religion we believe we can receive personal revelation from our Father in Heaven through the Holy Ghost. There's been MANY times I've had feelings to different things and so has Craig. I'm grateful we have that power to communicate with Heavenly Father to help us or others in such a special way.
3-I'm grateful for my girls. They are my pride. They are my EVERYTHING! They remind me of what it was like having my little sister near me all the time. They're my best buddies. My life would be incomplete without them.
4-In part with 3, I'm grateful I get to stay home. It's not a DEMAND or a RIGHT, it's def a privelidge. Now days seems harder for moms to do this and how grateful I am. It was a hard adjustment at first but now the thought of going to work everyday makes me cringe. I love my alarm clock coming in to wake me up every morning. I love being with them-even cleaning up their messes all day. I just am so blessed.
5-I guess this should be Number One but I'm grateful for my husband. He's my best friend. My partner in this life & next. My friend who I can talk to about ANYTHING. He gets me. He KNOWS me. He is my support system to everything! I am so blessed & lucky to have him in my life and that he asked me to marry him.
6-I'm grateful for church. There's a lot that can be stressful in going to church but in the end, we are commanded to go and every week when I feel confirmation from the Holy Ghost that I'm in the right place, it makes it all worth it.
7-I'm grateful for caffeine. Yup! No expanding on that one.
8-I'm grateful for my testimony in the church. I feel so lucky to have knowledge that others don't. I love that I know my purpose in this mortal life and that my family is forever!!!!
9-I'm grateful for a warm house. On rainy, wet nights when I can hear the patter of rain I always think it's nice to be warm & dry.
10-I'm grateful for food. Mmmmmm...
11- I'm grateful for medicine.
12- I'm grateful for knowledge.
13-I'm grateful for my extended family including my siblings. What would life be without family?!!!!
14- I'm grateful for freedom. Freedom to make choices to move. Freedom to go to church. Freedom to do whatever, whenever.
15- I'm grateful for Paparazzi. There's soooo many people I have met from selling this awesome product. I love the relationships I've made because I started this journey. I knew NO ONE when we moved here! I love the excitement of an awesome product many haven't heard of. The $$$ part is nice too. I love that it helped my "tom-girl" become girly. I love that I feel confident & beautiful just by putting on a simple accessory. I love that you can have the freedom to do your business how you want it.
16- This sounds silly to some, but after living in Maine, you'd understand...>I'm grateful for Natural Gas.
17- I'm grateful for technology. I can Skype my sisters on a random whim. I can text many all at one time & feel social & connected. I can use my phone to run a credit card---seriously-so cool. We can watch shows instantly through Wi-fi We can shop online. It's amazing!
I will add more later. Jaycee is dying to do a list too
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